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Portrait of a family



ee - rhymes with see

tha - 'th' is pronounced as 'th' in thin' tha - rhymes with pa


Sh – ‘sh’ is pronounced as in ‘shirt’

Shaan - rhymes with bahn, hahn

Bogue - rhymes with vogue

Motivated by a deep-seated commitment to community well-being, and disheartened by prevalent issues such as mismanagement of tax dollars, impractical crime laws, unregulated borders, soaring cost of living, and homelessness, I felt compelled to think about what I can do to change it for the better.


Witnessing the deterioration of education standards in East Bay schools further fueled my determination to effect positive change through political action as both my daughters attend public schools in Dublin. I embody resilience, resourcefulness, and pragmatism. I tackle challenges head-on, armed with a relentless drive to find effective and sustainable solutions. I am eager to represent and advocate for the residents of California State Assembly District 20 and strive to make a meaningful difference in our community's future. I promise to work on direct, active issues that affect our district first, over namesake laws and bills. A vote for me is a vote that counts!


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© 2024 by Sangeetha Shanbhogue for Assembly 2024. FPPC# 14628280

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